Tutorial 02 - Setup Chaos Dustbowler in Unreal Engine 5

Hello there and welcome to the second part of the tutorial series that I share my experience briefing while working on Skulls and Wheels game. In first part, I showed you how to download and prepare a vehicle 3D model in Blender to be exported into Unreal Engine 5 and Chaos Physics vehicle system. In this tutorial I will export the vehicle into Unreal Engine 5 and setup the drivable vehicle with Chaos Physics vehicle system.

Steps covered in Tutorial 02

  1. Create a new UE5 project and enable necessary plugins and setups to begin with Chaos vehicles
  2. Import Dustbowler Skeletal mesh and setup physics asset after checking the skeleton asset
  3. Setup Dustbowler Blueprint with necessary basic settings and sub blueprints
  4. Setup a basic camera and keybindings to move the Dustbowler with player inputs
  5. Import textures and create materials for Dustbowler

If you haven't seen Part 01, check it here Tutorial 01 - Preparing Dustbowler - Skulls n Wheels by RAM Studios (itch.io)

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